Service Manager broker add-on

Each client can register a last will, that is sent by the broker if the client connection is unexpectedly lost. We use it to indicate the presence of resources (not apps). For example, the last will could be:

dataavailable/sensor1/temperature False

Unfortunately it is possible only to send one message per client, why some trick is required to handle more than one signal per client (resource). Therefore the resource instead register:

resourceavailable/sensor1/presence False

as the last will, and sends this message at startup (along with the dataavailable message):

resourceavailable/sensor1/presence True

A separare component, the Service Manager, is keeping track of the connected services. It will send the individual datavailable/x/y False when resource x disconnects.

Start up the Service Manager:

$ python3 scripts/

Test it from command line by using one subscribe window and one publish window. Subscribe in one terminal:

$ mosquitto_sub -t +/#  -v

In the other window:

$ mosquitto_pub -t resourceavailable/foo/presence -m True
$ mosquitto_pub -t dataavailable/foo/bar -m True
$ mosquitto_pub -t commandavailable/foo/baz -m True

$ mosquitto_pub -t resourceavailable/foo/presence -m False

The Service Manager will then automatically send these messages:

dataavailable/foo/bar False
commandavailable/foo/baz False

Service Manager helptext

$ python3 scripts/ -h
usage: [-h] [-v] [-version] [-host HOST] [-port PORT]
                         [-cert CERT] [-qos {0,1,2}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit
  -v            Increase verbosity level. Can be repeated.
  -version      show program's version number and exit
  -host HOST    Broker host name. Defaults to 'localhost'.
  -port PORT    Broker port number. Defaults to 1883.
  -cert CERT    Directory for certificate files. Defaults to not using
  -qos {0,1,2}  MQTT quality-of-service setting. Defaults to '0'.

A Service Manager for the Secure Gateway concept architecture

It requires a MQTT broker (for example Mosquitto), and a MQTT client library (Paho).

It registers on the Secure Gateway network, and can connect to
the broker in a secure or insecure way.
The settings of the broker determines what is allowed. To connect in the secure way,
the directory of the certificate files must be specified.

The certificate files should be named:
  CA file:          ca_public_certificate.pem
  Certificate file: public_certificate.pem
  Key file:         private_key.pem